Lithuanian Film Centre has prepared proposals to the film industry for the work environment based on mutual respect
2018 Dicember 1 d.

In pursuit of a mutually respectful working environment without harassment or discrimination, Lithuanian Film Centre has made recommendations to film producers on the provisions of agreements with creative and technical personnel aimed at establishing reciprocal obligations of the parties on equality and non-discrimination.

Also, from now on, the state funding agreements signed by the Lithuanian Film Centre for film development and production and film culture dissemination projects include a clause obliging the film project developer to “ensure a dignified and respectful working environment, to grant equal rights and opportunities to all those responsible to and/or employed by him, irrespective of their gender, race, nationality, citizenship, language, origin, social status, belief, convictions or views, age, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or religion, to ensure that all persons employed by the Developer would not suffer any harassment and discrimination in the film production on the filming set and beyond, to comply with all the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania regarding equality and non-discrimination”.

With this, Lithuanian Film Centre aims that all industry players, and, first of all, those claiming state support for their projects, would take responsibility for ensuring a dignified and respectful working environment.

The Lithuanian Film Centre also plans to organize an educational event on the prevention of sexual harassment and ethics of mutual relations at the beginning of next year.  
